Number of Volumes | 5 |
Number of Issues | 17 |
Number of Articles | 124 |
Article View | 45,125 |
PDF Download | 32,348 |
View Per Article | 363.91 |
PDF Download Per Article | 260.87 |
----------------------------------------- | |
Rejected Submissions | 198 |
Accepted Submissions | 128 |
Acceptance Rate | 35 |
Time to Accept (Days) | 78 |
Number of Indexing Databases | 28 |
Journal of New Studies in Sport Management (JNSSM) is an open-access peer-reviewed research journal that is published quarterly in English by Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman. JNSSM has achieved Q1 ranking in ISC scientific database. The Journal of New Studies in Sport Management (JNSSM) provides a platform for the researchers, academicians, professionals, practitioners, and students associated with sport management and related fields to share knowledge in the form of high-quality empirical and theoretical research papers, case studies, literature reviews, and book reviews. The journal is published in the online version and does not charge any fee for reviewing, processing, and publishing research papers. Topics to be discussed in this journal include (but are not limited to) the following: Sports marketing, Sport media, Sport sociology, Sport psychology, Sports law, Sports facilities management, Strategic management in sport, Sport entrepreneurship, Sport tourism, Management of sports events, etc.
Journal of New Studies in Sport Management (JNSSM) encourages its editors, authors of the submitted manuscripts, and the invited reviewers to adhere to the guidelines and standards developed.
*All manuscripts must be free from plagiarism contents. All authors are suggested to use plagiarism detection software to do the similarity checking. Editors check the plagiarism detection of manuscripts in the Journal of New Studies in Sport Management. Manuscripts submitted to this journal will be screened for plagiarism using Similarity Check / iThenticate plagiarism detection tools.
This work is licensed under Creative a Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0).
Journal of New Studies in Sport Management (JNSSM) is an international open-access peer-reviewed journal.
Bibliographic Information of the Journal:
Journal Title: Journal of New Studies in Sport Management (JNSSM).
Journal Abbreviated Title: J. New Stud. Sport Manag.
Publisher: Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman, Kerman, Iran.
Scientific Sponsorship Society: Iranian Scientific Association of Sports Management.
Country of Publication: Iran.
Publication Frequency: Quarterly.
Scope: Sport Management.
Format: Online.
Online ISSN: 2717-4069
Start Year: 2020, Vol. 1, No. 1 -
Language: English.
Open Access: Yes, free access to articles.
Article types: Research and review papers.
Reference Style: APA 7th
Article Processing Charges: No publication charge are required from the authors.
Peer Review Type: Double-blind peer review.
Primary Review Time: 10 days, approximately.
Acceptance and Publication Time: 12 weeks.
Acceptance Rate: 35%.
Publishing Schedule: March, June, September, and December.
Copyright: Authors retain unrestricted copyrights and publishing rights.
Indexing and Abstracting: CABI, EBSCO, DOAJ, ISC, ISSN, ROAD, JournalTOCs, Sudoc, Rank A journal (The evaluation of the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology in Iran), SID, Noormags, Magiran, CIVILICA, Google Scholar, etc.
Journal Metrics: Google Scholar
Journal Email:
Journal address: Department of sport management, Shahid Bahonar university of Kerman, Pajoohesh Square, Kerman, Iran.
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Pages 1253-1262
Nicholas Zoroya; Rachelle Kuhn
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Mohammad Rahimi; Javad Madani; Ahmad Mahmoudi; Vahid Mollaei
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Mehdi Salimi; Leila Moslehi
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Sardar Mohammadi; Jamil Nawkhasi; Faezeh Shahbazi
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Maedeh Alikhani; Zhaleh Memari; Mehri Pouyandekia
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Fatemeh Abdavi; Sajjad Pashaie; Parastu Aslanzadeh