Investigating the Obstacles Faced by Physical Education Students in Utilizing Advertising to Propel the Growth of Emerging Sports Startups

Document Type : Original Article


1 Department of Physical Education and Sport, Institute of Health Science, Cumhuriyet University, Sivas, Turkey.

2 Assistant Professor, Sport Marketing Management, Faculty of Physical Education and Sport Sciences, Department of Sports Management, University of Tabriz , Tabriz, Iran.

3 3. Assistant Professor, Department of Physical Education and Sport Science, National University of Skills (NUS), Tehran, Iran.


Sport startups are a specific form of new business venture that enters the market in a fast manner. There has been more emphasis on sport startups due to the need to capitalize on innovations particularly digital types in the global business environment. This study examines the challenges physical education students face in using advertising to foster the growth of emerging sports startups. Using triangulation, we collected data through mixed methods. The findings indicate significant financial barriers, such as high start-up costs and insufficient initial capital, that limit students' ability to invest in their businesses. Additionally, a lack of understanding of sports marketing principles and the rapid pace of advertising technology evolution hinder effective promotional efforts. Social and cultural barriers, including low community awareness and trust in new entrepreneurial ventures, further limit market access for sports startups. The intense competition with established brands requires high levels of innovation and creativity, areas in which students often lack experience and skills. These findings emphasize the need for comprehensive support systems, such as financial aid, improved educational programs, and mentorship, to provide physical education students with the necessary tools to successfully navigate the competitive sports business landscape. This research provides valuable insights to improve the growth and success of sports startups using advertising.


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