The Role of Coaches in Talent Identification and Development Programs: A Case Study of German Football

Document Type : Original Article


1 MSc, Department of Sport Management, Faculty of Sport Sciences, Alzahra University, Tehran, Iran.

2 Associate Professor, Department of Sport Management, Faculty of Sport Sciences, Alzahra University, Tehran, Iran.

3 PhD Candidate, Department of Sport Management, Faculty of Sports Sciences and Health, Tehran University, Tehran, Iran.


We have reviewed the coaches' role in German talent identification and development football programs and followed the qualitative meta-synthesis method with Sadowski and Barroso's approach. We verified 56 documents and extracted 695 nonrepetitive open codes and 135 concepts. We showed that coaches' roles in a talent program consists of Competency, Leadership, and Organizational components. Competency components include selection, training, coaching, and performance. Leadership components include Technical and DFB & DFL. Finally, the Organizational components comprise the Double Pass, coordinators, and DFBnet. Properly organizing and equilibrium between these three parts can leverage and lead to successful coaches and the program. According to the critical role of alent programs and coaches in sports development, setting up national TID and TDE programs, especially in sports, are very important. Implementing a large-scale project with various criteria is complex; because it requires high cooperation, mutual understanding, and national determination. Many employees are involved in such systems with instrumental, scientific, experimental, and specialized aspects.


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