The Past, Present and Future of Safety Management in Sport: A Bibliometric Approach to Determine Performance in Scientific Mapping

Document Type : Original Article


1 Associate Professor, Faculty of Sport Sciences, University of Tabriz, Tabriz, Iran.

2 Professor of Sport Sciences, University of Tabriz, Tabriz, Iran.

3 MA student of Management of sports events, University of Tabriz, Tabriz, Iran.


The purpose of this paper is to list and briefly discuss the top authors, organizations, universities, nations, publications, and journals in the topic of sports safety management. It also aims to provide the most linked patterns in terms of co-citation, co-authorship, keyword co-occurrence, temporal proximity, and substantial terms and concepts in the field of safety management based on content analysis. 214 pertinent international publications from journals around the world that were published between 1993 and 2023 were found in the Scopus citation database and comprised the statistical population for this study, which followed a systematic review process. In this study, software tools like Publish or Perish, Excel, Vosviewer, Rstudio, R and Maxqda 2020 were used to identify, quantify, and evaluate safety management elements in sports.The results showed that the United States has the most influence in this sector, with the University of Florida (USA) being the most significant university and organization. "Recreational Sports" is the most prominent journal in the field of safety and risk management. Konnaughton, D.P., and Spengler, Jo are the most significant authors in this discipline. Finally, a comprehensive and eight-dimensional model of safety management was created by merging the essential terms that were taken from the examination of the top 20 articles in this sector. In conclusion, it can be said that safety and risk management in sports can reduce sports-related dangers and boost safety standards, resulting in a significant advancement in athlete safety and a reduction in risks related to sports.


Main Subjects

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