Identification and Evaluation of a Model for Succession in Football Pro League of Iran Based on the Grounded Theory Approach

Document Type : Original Article


1 Department of sport management/Faculty of sport sciences/ University of Isfahan

2 Faculty of Sports Science,Department of Sports management,University of Isfahan,Iran


Although the succession planning literature focuses more on managerial and staffing levels in organizations, it can also be used for players in clubs and sport teams. The purpose of the research was to identify and evaluate a model of player succession in Iranian football premier League. The research method was mixed (qualitative and quantitative). The statistical population of this research in the qualitative section includes 16 specialists and experts in football, and in the quantitative part of the research, all managers, athletes, coaches and football referees in the Premier League in 2020, and finally 286 subjects were studied through stratified random sampling in quantitative phase. Research hypotheses were examined using correlations and structural equations modelling. A total of 189 primary codes (concepts) were extracted in the coding process, which after validation, 33 primary codes (concepts) were compiled. In the model, causal conditions included binding or motivating factors as well as the process of replacing players. Underlying conditions involved networking to develop a player replacement program, interacting with other organizations, formulating binding strategies, and setting a budget to promote win-win thinking in the football club succession program in Iran.


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