Investigating the Aspects of Sport Structure in Iran

Document Type : Original Article


1 Islamic Azad University, South Branch, Tehran, Iran

2 Assistant professor of Islamic Azad University, Qom Branch, Qom, Iran


The present study aims to investigate the aspects of sport structure in Iran. Literature review, Delphi method, and a researcher developed questionnaire were used to fulfill the research objective. At the first stage, 10 faculty members of sport management participated in a Delphi study. At the second stage, 302 researcher developed questionnaires distributed among staff and operational managers in the Ministry of Youth and Sports, managers of executive board in the National Olympic Committee, heads of federations, experts in NOC and the faculty members. The results showed that in terms of the importance, sports for all, training sport, championship sport and professional sport are in the priority of sport structure in Iran, and in designing the Fifth Five-Year Development Plan of Iran, none of the four aspects of sport structures have properly been taken into account.


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